Eneclad SPS – prime, seal & smooth rough concrete surface

  • Country Origin: USA
  • Working Life: 15′ – 120′ depend on the environment temperature
  • Shelf life: Unlimited
  • Z

    No odor

  • Z

    100% solids

  • Z

    Easy to clean

  • Z

    Excellent Abrasion & Impact Resistance

  • Z

    Safe and simple to use


ENECLAD SPS is a three-component, 100% solids, concrete primer/sealer that is specifically formulated to also smooth-out rough concrete surfaces in order to improve the appearance of ENECON top-coats such as ENECLAD FPS or CHEMCLAD polymer systems. It is easy to apply using a trowel or squeegee. ENECLAD SPS is virtually odor free and has no V.O.C.’s.

ENECLAD SPS exhibits excellent adhesion to any type of concrete substrate. It also has great impact

Technical data
Physical properties
Chemical resistance

Technical data

Volume capacity per kg / Thể tích / kg : 33 in3 / 540 cc
Mixed density / Khối lượng riêng (tỉ trọng) sau khi trộn : 0.065 lbs/in3 || 1.80 gm/cc
Coverage rate / 20kg. @0.75mm / Diện tích phủ / kg: 150 ft2 / 14 m2
Shelf life / Thời gian lưu kho :  Indefinite / vô thời hạn
Volume Solids / Thể tích đóng rắn : 100%
Mixing ratio / Tỷ lệ trộn Base / Activator (theo thể tích) : 2 / 1
Mixing ratio / Tỷ lệ trộn Base / Activator (theo trọng lượng) : 2.4 / 1
Working Life / Thời gian thi công ở 25ºC : 20 min / phút
Light load / sử dụng nhẹ ở 25ºC : 4 h
Full mechanical / Thời gian đóng rắn hoàn toàn ở 25ºC : 24 h

Physical properties

Compressive strength / Độ bền nén
ASTM D-695: 11,000 psi (770 kg / cm2)
Flexural strength / Độ bền uốn
ASTM D-790 : 4,000 psi (280 kg/cm2)
Hardness - Shore D / Độ cứng shore D
ASTM D-2240: 88
Tensile Shear Adhesion steel / Độ bền cắt bám dính trên thép
ASTM D-1002 : 2,000 psi (140 kg/cm2)
Elcometer Adhesion - to properly prepared cementitious surfaces is greater than the cohesive strength of the substrate.
Kết quả cho thấy độ bám dính của vật liệu còn tốt hơn liên kết của bề mặt hiện hữu

Chemical resistance

Acetic acid 0-5%: ----- G Methyl ethyl ketone / Butanone ----- G
Ammonia solution (0-10%) / Dung dịch amoniac ----- EXNaptha ----- EX
Aceton ----- GNitric acid / Axit Nitric (0-10%) ----- G
Aviation fuel (nhiên liệu máy bay)  ----- EXPalmitic acide / Axit palmitic ----- EX
Butyl alcohol (N-butanal) ----- GPhosphoric acid / Axit Phosphoric (0-5%) ----- EX
Calcium chloride / Canxi clorua ----- EXPhosphoric acid / Axit Phosphoric (5-10%) ----- G
Crude oil / Dầu mỏ. ----- EXPotassium chloride / Potassium Chloride (Kali Clorua) ----- EX
Diesel fuel / Dầu diezel ----- EXPropyl alcohol / Dung môi IPA (Rượu isopropanol) ----- G
Ethyl alcohol / Ethanol ----- GSodium chloride / Natri Clorua ----- EX
Gasoline / Xăng ----- EXSodium hydroxide / Natri Hidroxit ----- EX
Heptan (Heptane, Dipropyl Methan) ----- EXSulfuric acid / Axit Sulfuric (0-5%) ----- G
Hydrochloric acid / Axit Clohydric (0-10%) ----- EXTannic acid / Axit tanic ----- EX
Hydrochloric acid / Axit Clohydric (10-20%) ----- GToluen (Metylbenzen) ----- G
Kerosene / Dầu hỏa ----- EXTransformer oil / Dầu biến áp ----- EX
10% Lactic acide / Axit lactic ----- GXylene ----- EX
Methyl alcohol / Methanol ----- G
EX – Suitable for most applications including immersion
G – Suitable for intermittent contact splashes etc
NR – Not Recommended