Enecrete DuraFill – filling deep holes and concrete repair

  • filling deeper holes and cavities in concrete
  • Repair Ramp, walkway
  • Terrazzo decor
  • Z

    Extraordinary Adhesion

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    Great Compressive Strength & Impact Resistance

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    100% solids

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    Safe and simple to use

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    Use for:...

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    Concrete, Terrazzo

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    Brick, stone, marble stone

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    Wood, metal...


ENECRETE DuraFill is a two component, 100% solids, high performance polymer system specifically designed for broadcast flooring applications as well as for filling deeper holes and cavities in concrete. In both cases, the DuraFill is combined with locally sourced aggregates to provide unrivaled performance in some of the most demanding floor repair and protection applications.

ENECRETE DuraFill is very versatile. It exhibits extraordinary adhesion to virtually any type of mineral substrate as well as most metals. It has excellent compressive strength, impact resistance as well as thermal shock resistance. DuraFill is not only for concrete; it will also bond to marble, slate, stone, brick, terrazzo, tiles, most metals, wood…even rigid plastics and glass!

ENECRETE DuraFill can be used with colored aggregates to create aesthetically pleasing broadcast floor systems.

Technical data
Physical properties
Chemical resistance

Technical data

Mixed density (Khối lượng riêng (tỉ trọng) sau trộn) : 1.1 gm / cc
Coverage rate (diện tích phủ) /1 kg. @ 3mm : 2.3 m2
Shelf life ( lưu kho) : Indefinite / vô thời hạn
Volume Solids (đóng rắn) : 100%
Mixing ratio volume (Tỷ lệ trộn) Base / Activator: 2 / 1
Mixing ratio weight (Tỷ lệ trộn) Base / Activator : 2.4 /1
Working Life / Thời gian thi công ở 25ºC : 45'
Touch dry / Khô chạm tay ở 25ºC : 5 h
Full cure / Đóng rắn hoàn toàn ở 25ºC : 96 h
Volume capacity (Thể tích) / kg: 910 cc

Physical properties

Compressive strength (Chịu lực (độ bền) nén)
ASTM D-695 : 10,000 psi (700 kg/cm2)
Compressive modulus (modul khối)
ASTM D-790 : 9,000 psi (630 kg/cm2)
Hardness (độ cứng) - Shore D
ASTM D-2240: 80
Tensile Shear Adhesion steel (Độ bền cắt bám dính trên thép)
ASTM D-1002: 3000 psi (210 kg/cm2)
Elcometer adhesion - to cementitious and mineral type substrates is generally greater than the cohesive strength of such materials.
Độ bám dính của Durafill trên bề mặt còn tốt hơn so với liên kết hiện hữu của bê tông

Chemical resistance

Gasoline / Xăng ----- EX
Kerosene / Dầu hỏa ----- EX
Lacctic acid 0-10% ----- G
50% Anti-Freeze / Chất chống đông 50% ----- EX
Transmission Fluid / Dầu hộp số ----- EX
Power Steering Fluid / Dầu trợ lực lái ----- EX
Motor Oil / Dầu động cơ ----- EX
Detergent Solution / Dung dịch tẩy rửa ----- EX
Trisodium Phosphate / Natri photphat
20% Sodium chloride / Natri Clorua ----- EX
10% Hydrochloric Acid / Axit Clohydric ----- EX
10% Sodium hydroxide / Natri Hidroxit ----- EX
10% Sulfuric acid / Axit Sulfuric ----- EX
EX – Suitable for most applications including immersion
G – Suitable for intermittent contact splashes etc
NR – Not Recommended