Enecrete Duraquartz LW – concrete repair for vertical & overhead surfaces

  • Extraordinary Adhesion
  • Outstanding Compressive Strength
  • 100% Solids
  • Safe & Simple To Use
  • Z

    Extraordinary Adhesion

  • Z

    Outstanding Compressive Strength

  • Z

    100% Solids

  • Z

    Safe & Simple To Use

  • Z

    Bonds to...

  • Z

    Concrete, Marble, Stone

  • Z

    Terrazzo, Tiles, Metal

  • Z

    Wood, Slate


ENECRETE DuraQuartz LW is a light weight aggregate version for vertical and overhead surfaces.

ENECRETE DuraQuartz LW is a three component, 100% solids, concrete repair compound specifically formulated and precisely engineered to provide solutions to even the most difficult concrete repair and protection problems.

ENECRETE DuraQuartz LW is extremely versatile. It can be mixed to any consistency – from a viscous liquid to a stiff mortar. DuraQuartz LW is not only for concrete; it will bond to marble, stone, slate, terrazzo, tiles,…even metal!

Technical data
Physical properties
Chemical resistance
Acetic acid 0-5%: —– EX Methanol (Methyl alcohol) —– G
Aceton —– G Methyl ethyl ketone —– G
Ammonia solution / dung dịch amoniac —– EX Nitric acid / Axit Nitric (0-10%) —– G
Aviation fuel (nhiên liệu máy bay)  —– EX Phosphoric acid / Axit Phosphoric (0-5%) —– EX
Butyl alcohol (N-butanal) —– EX Phosphoric acid / Axit Phosphoric (0-10%) —– G
Calcium chloride / Canxi clorua —– EX Potassium chloride / Potassium Chloride (Kali Clorua) —– EX
Crude oil / Dầu mỏ. —– EX Propyl alcohol / Dung môi IPA (Rượu isopropanol) —– G
Diesel fuel / Dầu diezel —– EX Sodium chloride / Natri Clorua —– EX
Ethyl alcohol / Ethanol —– G Sodium hydroxide / Natri Hidroxit —– EX
Gasoline / Xăng —– EX Sulfuric acid / Axit Sulfuric (0-50%) —– G
Heptan (Heptane, Dipropyl Methan) —– EX Tannic acid / Axit Tannic —– EX
Hydrochloric acid / Axit Clohydric (0-10%) —– EX Toluen (Metylbenzen) —– EX
Hydrochloric acid / Axit Clohydric (10-20%) —– G Transformer oil / dầu biến áp —– EX
Kerosene / Dầu hỏa —– EX Xylene —– EX
Lacctic acid 0-10% —– G  
EX – Suitable for most applications including immersion
G – Suitable for intermittent contact splashes etc  
NR – Not Recommended””  

Technical data

Mixed density / Khối lượng riêng (tỉ trọng) sau khi trộn: 0.023 lbs/in3 (0.632 gm/cc)
Coverage rate (diện tích phủ) /15 kg @6mm: 1.1 m2
Shelf life (lưu kho) : Indefinite (vô thời hạn)
Volume Solids (Thể tích đóng rắn) : 100%
Mixing ratio volume (Tỷ lệ trộn; thể tích) Base / Activator: 5 / 2
Mixing ratio weight (Tỷ lệ trộn; trọng lượng) Base / Activator: 2.4 /1
Working Life (Thời gian thi công) ở 25ºC : 60 phút
Light load (Tải nhẹ) ở 25ºC : 4 h
Full mechanical (Đóng rắn hoàn toàn) ở 25ºC : 24 h
Chemical Immersion (Ngâm trong hóa chất) : 96 h
Volume capacity (thể tích) / kg: 460in3 (7,540 cc)

Physical properties

Compressive strength (Chịu lực (độ bền) nén)
ASTM C-109 : 5,000 psi (350 kg/cm2)
Hardness (Độ cứng )- Shore D
ASTM D-2240: 57

Chemical resistance

Acetic acid 0-5%: ----- EX
Aceton ----- G
Ammonia solution / dung dịch amoniac ----- EX
Aviation fuel (nhiên liệu máy bay)  ----- EX
Butyl alcohol (N-butanal) ----- EX
Calcium chloride / Canxi clorua ----- EX
Crude oil / Dầu mỏ. ----- EX
Diesel fuel / Dầu diezel ----- EX
Ethyl alcohol / Ethanol ----- G
Gasoline / Xăng ----- EX
Heptan (Heptane, Dipropyl Methan) ----- EX
Hydrochloric acid / Axit Clohydric (0-10%) ----- EX
Hydrochloric acid / Axit Clohydric (10-20%) ----- G
Kerosene / Dầu hỏa ----- EX
Lacctic acid 0-10% ----- G
Methanol (Methyl alcohol) ----- G
Methyl ethyl ketone ----- G
Nitric acid / Axit Nitric (0-10%) ----- G
Phosphoric acid / Axit Phosphoric (0-5%) ----- EX
Phosphoric acid / Axit Phosphoric (0-10%) ----- G
Potassium chloride / Potassium Chloride (Kali Clorua) ----- EX
Propyl alcohol / Dung môi IPA (Rượu isopropanol) ----- G
Sodium chloride / Natri Clorua ----- EX
Sodium hydroxide / Natri Hidroxit ----- EX
Sulfuric acid / Axit Sulfuric (0-50%) ----- G
Tannic acid / Axit Tannic ----- EX
Toluen (Metylbenzen) ----- EX
Transformer oil / dầu biến áp ----- EX
Xylene ----- EX
EX – Suitable for most applications including immersion
G – Suitable for intermittent contact splashes etc
NR – Not Recommended""""