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Eneclad FPS – Polymer industrial floor excellent abrasion & impact resistance

  • Country Origin: USA
  • Working Life: 55′ – 90′ depend on the environment temperature
  • Shelf life: Unlimited
  • Z

    Traffic Resistance

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    Abrasion Resistance

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    Chemical Resistance

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    Oil Resistance

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    Detergent Resistance

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    Easy Application

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    Easy Maintenance

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    No V.O.C's

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    No odor


Easy to apply ENECLAD FPS seals and protects concrete floors. This extraordinary high-performance polymer composite is extremely abrasion resistant, making it ideal for heavy traffic areas in warehouses, hangars, loading docks, etc. FPS jackets the surface in a rugged, armored coating that resists forklift traffic, oil, gasoline and many common industrial chemicals.

ENECLAD FPS is a solvent-free, virtually odor-free, two-component product specifically developed to solve some of the toughest industrial floor protection problems. It is easily applied by brush, roller or squeegee to a super high-gloss finish. Non-skid aggregates can be incorporated into the ENECLAD FPS to provide a highly durable, slip resistant surface.

ENECLAD FPS high performance polymer system has been specifically formulated for new or old concrete floors. FPS produces a seamless surface that is easy to clean and easy to maintain.

Prior to applying ENECLAD FPS to concrete and / or cementitious substrates, the surface should be treated with CHEMCLAD® P4C to seal the surface, minimize outgassing and insure that optimum adhesion is obtained.

Technical properties
Physical properties
Chemical resistance

Technical data

Volume capacity per kg / Thể tích / kg : 46 in3 / 750 cc
Mixed density / Khối lượng riêng (tỉ trọng) sau khi trộn : 0.048 lbs/in3 || 1.31 gm/cc
Coverage rate per kg. @0.3mm / Diện tích phủ / kg: 25 ft2 / 2.3 m2
Shelf life / Thời gian lưu kho :  Indefinite / vô thời hạn
Volume Solids / Thể tích đóng rắn : 100%
Mixing ratio / Tỷ lệ trộn Base / Activator (theo thể tích) : 2 / 1
Mixing ratio / Tỷ lệ trộn Base / Activator (theo trọng lượng) : 3 / 1
Working Life / Thời gian thi công ở 25ºC : 70 min / phút
Touch dry / Khô chạm tay ở 25ºC : 16 h
Maximum Overcoating / Phủ lớp tiếp theo tối đa ở 25ºC: 24 h
Full Cure / Thời gian đóng rắn hoàn toàn ở 25ºC : 72 h

Physical properties

Compressive strength / Độ bền nén
ASTM D-695: 11,000 psi (770 kg / cm2)
Flexural strength / Độ bền uốn
ASTM D-790 : 9,000 psi (630 kg/cm2)
Hardness - Shore D / Độ cứng shore D
ASTM D-2240: 86
Abrasion resistance / Kháng mài
ASTM D-4060: 35 mg / 1000 cycles (vòng)
Tensile Shear Adhesion steel / Độ bền cắt bám dính trên thép
ASTM D-1002 : 4,100 psi (278 kg/cm2)
Elcometer Adhesion - to properly prepared cementitious surfaces is greater than the cohesive strength of the substrate.
Kết quả cho thấy độ bám dính của vật liệu còn tốt hơn liên kết của bề mặt hiện hữu

Chemical resistance

Gasoline / Xăng ----- EX
Kerosene / Dầu hỏa ----- EX
50% Anti-Freeze / Chất chống đông 50% ----- EX
Transmission Fluid / Dầu hộp số ----- EX
Power Steering Fluid / Dầu trợ lực lái ----- EX
Motor Oil / Dầu động cơ ----- EX
Detergent Solution / Dung dịch tẩy rửa ----- EX
Trisodium Phosphate / Natri photphat
20% Sodium chloride / Natri Clorua ----- EX
10% Hydrochloric Acid / Axit Clohydric ----- EX
10% Sodium hydroxide / Natri Hidroxit ----- EX
10% Sulfuric acid / Axit Sulfuric ----- EX
EX – Suitable for most applications including immersion
G – Suitable for intermittent contact splashes etc
NR – Not Recommended