CeramAlloy EBX – abrasion resistance & extend the service life
- Country Origin: USA
- Working Life: 15′ – 30′ depend on the environment temperature
- Shelf life: Unlimited
Extraordinary Abrasion Resistance
Unlimited Shelf Life
100% Solids
Safe & Simple To Use
Use for...
Elbows, Pumps,
Chutes, Vibratory Feeders
Cyclones, Separators
Pipe, Water Boxes, Housings & Tanks,...
Engineered to repair deeply damaged components.
METALCLAD CeramAlloy EBX is a three component, 100% solids, polymer composite specifically formulated to provide effective repair and rebuilding characteristics on all types of equipment subject to severe abrasion.
METALCLAD CeramAlloy EBX is a paste when mixed, so it is easily applied. When cured, however, CBX becomes a metal-hard, highly abrasion resistant compound engineered to repair deeply damaged components in the most aggressive abrasive environments.
METALCLAD CeramAlloy EBX is the best material to use to protect equipment subject to very aggressive abrasive environments.
Elbows, Pipes, Pumps, Chutes, Deflector Plates, Cyclones, Separators, Vibratory Feeders, Transfer Augers, etc.
Volume capacity per kg / Thể tích / kg : 124 in3 / 2032 cc |
Mixed density / Khối lượng riêng (tỉ trọng) sau khi trộn : 0.089 lbs / in3 (2.46 gm / cc) |
Coverage rate per 5kg. @200mils / Diện tích phủ / 5kg: 0.4 m2 @5 mm |
Shelf life / Thời gian lưu kho : Indefinite / vô thời hạn |
Volume Solids / Thể tích đóng rắn : 100% |
Mixing ratio / Tỷ lệ trộn Base / Activator / Aggregate (theo thể tích) : 5 / 2 / 15 |
Mixing ratio / Tỷ lệ trộn Base / Activator (theo trọng lượng) : 7 / 2 / 20 |
Working Life / Thời gian thi công ở 25ºC : 20 phút |
Cure Times / Thời gian đóng rắn ở 25ºC : 24 h |
Full Cure / Thời gian đóng rắn hoàn toàn ở 25ºC : 48 h |
Compressive strength / Chịu lực (độ bền) nén |
(ASTM D-695) : 13,000 psi (910 kg/m2) |
Flexural strength / Chịu lực (độ bền) uốn |
(ASTM D-790) : 5,000 psi (350 kg/cm2) |
Hardness – Shore D / Độ cứng shore D |
(ASTM D-2240) : 86 |
Tensile Strength / Độ bền kéo |
(ASTM D-2370) : 2,100 psi (147 kg/cm2) |
Tensile Shear Adhesion steel / Độ bền cắt bám dính trên thép |
(ASTM D-1002) : 4,000 psi (280 kg/cm2) |
Tensile Shear Adhesion aluminum / Độ bền cắt bám dính trên nhôm |
(ASTM D-1002) : 2,500 psi (175 kg/cm2) |
Tensile Shear Adhesion copper / Độ bền cắt bám dính trên đồng |
(ASTM D-1002) : 3,000 psi (210 kg/cm2) |
Tensile Shear Adhesion stainless steel / Độ bền cắt bám dính trên thép không rỉ |
(ASTM D-1002) : 4,100 psi (287 kg/cm2) |
Acetic acid0-10%: —– G | Methanol —– G |
Ammonium hydroxide (amoniac) (0-10%) —– EX | Mineral Oil / Dầu khoáng —– EX |
Aviation fuel (nhiên liệu máy bay) —– EX | Nitric acid / Axit Nitric (0-10%) —– EX |
Butyl alcohol (N-butanal) —– EX | Nitric acid / Axit Nitric (10-20%) —– G |
Calcium chloride / Canxi clorua —– EX | Phosphoric acid / Axit Phosphoric (0-10%) —– G |
Crude oil / Dầu mỏ. —– EX | Potassium chloride / Potassium Chloride (Kali Clorua) —– EX |
Diesel fuel / Dầu diezel —– EX | Propyl alcohol / Dung môi IPA (Rượu isopropanol) —– EX |
Ethyl alcohol / Ethanol —– G | Sodium chloride / Natri Clorua —– EX |
Gasoline / Xăng —– EX | Sodium hydroxide / Natri Hidroxit —– EX |
Heptan (Heptane, Dipropyl Methan) —– EX | Sulfuric acid / Axit Sulfuric (0-10%) —– EX |
Hydrochloric acid / Axit Clohydric (0-10%) —– EX | Sulfuric acid / Axit Sulfuric (10-20%) —– G |
Hydrochloric acid / Axit Clohydric (10-20%) —– G | Toluen (Metylbenzen) —– EX |
Kerosene / Dầu hỏa —– EX | Xylene —– EX |
EX – Suitable for most applications including immersion | |
G – Suitable for intermittent contact splashes etc | |
NR – Not Recommended”””” |
Technical data
Volume capacity per kg / Thể tích / kg : 124 in3 / 2032 cc |
Mixed density / Khối lượng riêng (tỉ trọng) sau khi trộn : 0.089 lbs / in3 (2.46 gm / cc) |
Coverage rate per 5kg. @200mils / Diện tích phủ / 5kg: 0.4 m2 @5 mm |
Shelf life / Thời gian lưu kho : Indefinite / vô thời hạn |
Volume Solids / Thể tích đóng rắn : 100% |
Mixing ratio / Tỷ lệ trộn Base / Activator / Aggregate (theo thể tích) : 5 / 2 / 15 |
Mixing ratio / Tỷ lệ trộn Base / Activator (theo trọng lượng) : 7 / 2 / 20 |
Working Life / Thời gian thi công ở 25ºC : 20 phút |
Cure Times / Thời gian đóng rắn ở 25ºC : 24 giờ |
Full Cure / Thời gian đóng rắn hoàn toàn ở 25ºC : 48 giờ |
Physical properties
Compressive strength / Chịu lực (độ bền) nén |
(ASTM D-695) : 13,000 psi (910 kg/m2) |
Flexural strength / Chịu lực (độ bền) uốn |
(ASTM D-790) : 5,000 psi (350 kg/cm2) |
Hardness - Shore D / Độ cứng shore D |
(ASTM D-2240) : 86 |
Tensile Strength / Độ bền kéo |
(ASTM D-2370) : 2,100 psi (147 kg/cm2) |
Tensile Shear Adhesion steel / Độ bền cắt bám dính trên thép |
(ASTM D-1002) : 4,000 psi (280 kg/cm2) |
Tensile Shear Adhesion aluminum / Độ bền cắt bám dính trên nhôm |
(ASTM D-1002) : 2,500 psi (175 kg/cm2) |
Tensile Shear Adhesion copper / Độ bền cắt bám dính trên đồng |
(ASTM D-1002) : 3,000 psi (210 kg/cm2) |
Tensile Shear Adhesion stainless steel / Độ bền cắt bám dính trên thép không rỉ |
(ASTM D-1002) : 4,100 psi (287 kg/cm2) |
Chemical resistance
Acetic acid0-10%: ----- G | Methanol ----- G |
Ammonium hydroxide (amoniac) (0-10%) ----- EX | Mineral Oil / Dầu khoáng ----- EX |
Aviation fuel (nhiên liệu máy bay) ----- EX | Nitric acid / Axit Nitric (0-10%) ----- EX |
Butyl alcohol (N-butanal) ----- EX | Nitric acid / Axit Nitric (10-20%) ----- G |
Calcium chloride / Canxi clorua ----- EX | Phosphoric acid / Axit Phosphoric (0-10%) ----- G |
Crude oil / Dầu mỏ. ----- EX | Potassium chloride / Potassium Chloride (Kali Clorua) ----- EX |
Diesel fuel / Dầu diezel ----- EX | Propyl alcohol / Dung môi IPA (Rượu isopropanol) ----- EX |
Ethyl alcohol / Ethanol ----- G | Sodium chloride / Natri Clorua ----- EX |
Gasoline / Xăng ----- EX | Sodium hydroxide / Natri Hidroxit ----- EX |
Heptan (Heptane, Dipropyl Methan) ----- EX | Sulfuric acid / Axit Sulfuric (0-10%) ----- EX |
Hydrochloric acid / Axit Clohydric (0-10%) ----- EX | Sulfuric acid / Axit Sulfuric (10-20%) ----- G |
Hydrochloric acid / Axit Clohydric (10-20%) ----- G | Toluen (Metylbenzen) ----- EX |
Kerosene / Dầu hỏa ----- EX | Xylene ----- EX |
EX – Suitable for most applications including immersion | |
G – Suitable for intermittent contact splashes etc | |
NR – Not Recommended"""" |
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