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DurAlloy – repairs, rebuild metal surface

  • Country Origin: USA
  • Working Life: 15′ – 40′ depend on the environment temperature
  • Shelf life: Unlimited
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    Requires No Heat

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    Extremely Adhesion

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    100% solids

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    Unlimited Shelf Life

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    resurfacing, protecting components from aggressive erosion, corrosion damage.


Metal · Plastic · Glass · Wood · Concrete and More!

METALCLAD DurAlloy is a two-component, 100% solids, multi-purpose polymer composite which can be easily machined on a lathe, drilled, tapped, filed, sanded and polished.

When properly mixed, METALCLAD DurAlloy is a non-sagging paste which quickly cures to a metal-hard material creating a permanent bond to any rigid surface such as metal, plastic, glass, wood, concrete and more.

Technical data
Physical properties
Chemical resistance

Technical data

Volume capacity per kg / Thể tích / kg : 25 in3 / 410 cc
Mixed density / Khối lượng riêng (tỉ trọng) sau khi trộn : 0.088 lbs / in3  (2.44 gm / cc)
Coverage rate per kg. @6mm / Diện tích phủ / kg: 0.064 m2  @6 mm
Shelf life / Thời gian lưu kho :  Indefinite / vô thời hạn
Volume Solids / Thể tích đóng rắn : 100%
Mixing ratio / Tỷ lệ trộn Base / Activator (volume / theo thể tích) : 3 / 1
Mixing ratio / Tỷ lệ trộn Base / Activator (weight / theo trọng lượng) : 5 / 1
Working Life / Thời gian thi công ở 25ºC : 20 min / phút
Cure Times / Thời gian đóng rắn ở 25ºC : 2 h
Full Cure / Thời gian đóng rắn hoàn toàn ở 25ºC : 24 h
Chemical Immersion / Ngâm trong hóa chất : 72 h

Physical properties

Compressive strength / Chịu lực (độ bền) nén
ASTM D-695 : 13,500 psi (945 kg/m2)
Flexural strength / Chịu lực (độ bền) uốn
ASTM D-790 : 9,500 psi (665 kg/cm2)
Hardness - Shore D / Độ cứng shore D
ASTM D-2240: 86
Tensile Shear Adhesion steel / Độ bền cắt bám dính trên thép
ASTM D-1002 : 3,600 psi (252 kg/cm2)
Tensile Shear Adhesion steel / Độ bền cắt bám dính trên thép
ASTM D-1002 : 2,000 psi (140 kg/cm2)
Tensile Shear Adhesion copper / Độ bền cắt bám dính trên đồng
ASTM D-1002 : 3,000 psi (210 kg/cm2)
Tensile Shear Adhesion stainless steel / Độ bền cắt bám dính trên thép không rỉ
ASTM D-1002 : 3,500 psi (245 kg/cm2)
Surface resistivity / Suất điện trở mặt
ASTM D-257 : 1 x 1015 ohms
Volume resistivity / Suất điện trở khối
ASTM D-257 : 1 x 1015 ohm/cm
Dielectric constant / Hằng số điện môi
(ASTM D-150) : 7.5

Chemical resistance

Acetic acid 0-10%: ----- EX Methyl alcohol (Methanol) ----- G
Ammonium hydroxide (amonia) 0-10% ----- EXMineral Oil / Dầu khoáng ----- EX
Aviation fuel (nhiên liệu máy bay)  ----- EXNitric acid / Axit Nitric (0-10%) ----- EX
Butyl alcohol (N-butanal) ----- EXNitric acid / Axit Nitric (10-20%) ----- G
Calcium chloride / Canxi clorua ----- EXPhosphoric acid / Axit Phosphoric (0-10%) ----- G
Crude oil / Dầu mỏ. ----- EXPotassium chloride / Potassium Chloride (Kali Clorua) ----- EX
Diesel fuel / Dầu diezel ----- EXPropyl alcohol / Dung môi IPA (Rượu isopropanol) ----- EX
Ethyl alcohol / Ethanol ----- GSodium chloride / Natri Clorua ----- EX
Gasoline / Xăng ----- EXSodium hydroxide / Natri Hidroxit ----- EX
Heptan (Heptane, Dipropyl Methan) ----- EXSulfuric acid / Axit Sulfuric (0-10%) ----- EX
Hydrochloric acid / Axit Clohydric (0-10%) ----- EXSulfuric acid / Axit Sulfuric (10-20%) ----- G
Hydrochloric acid / Axit Clohydric (10-20%) ----- GToluen (Metylbenzen) ----- G
Kerosene / Dầu hỏa ----- EXXylene ----- EX
EX – Suitable for most applications including immersion
G – Suitable for intermittent contact splashes etc
NR – Not Recommended""""